Hosted Plex Web App
New versions of Plex Web App are always released to our hosted version of the app. To use the latest version, you simply need to launch the hosted Plex Web App. If you already have the app open in a browser, simply refresh the browser page to load the new version.
Tip!: Remember, even though the app loads from our site, it runs in your local browser and everything executes and accesses locally.
Related Page: Opening Plex Web App
Local Plex Web App
Your Plex Media Server comes with a local copy of Plex Web App bundled in, which is accessible on your local network if desired. Newer versions of the web app will be included with new Plex Media Server releases. The version “bundled” with Plex Media Server will, by necessity, typically lag behind the hosted version. We recommend using the hosted version to make sure you’re using the latest app.
Related Page: Opening Plex Web App