If you or someone on your local network recently installed a Plex Media Server you may see the message “An unclaimed media server has been found on your network. Claim it now” (or similar) message in your app (such as Plex Web App).
This means that a Plex Media Server was detected, on which no one is currently signed in. Signing into your account on the server will give you a better experience. For instance, the server will get a security certificate so that you can connect to it securely, it will activate any features that require being associated with an account such as Plex Pass subscription benefits, and it also helps provide information to your Plex apps to assist them in finding and connecting with your server.
To claim the Plex Media Server:
- Click on the Claim it now link in the notification.
- You may also claim using the server settings page, where you’ll find a Claim Server button.
- You’ll be taken to the account sign-in page, where you will have the opportunity to sign in to your Plex account on the server.
Once you claim the Plex Media Server, it will be signed in to the Plex account like normal.