You can enable logging in the PlayStation, which will send logging data to the currently selected Plex Media Server. It can be useful to enable this, reproduce the issue and gather the Plex Media Server log, then disable logging in the app.
Tip!: The logging can be pretty verbose, so we don’t generally encourage leaving it enabled all the time. Instead, you should normally use it when reproducing an issue.
- In the app, open the Settings, go to Advanced > Logging Level and set it to
- Also in the Settings, go to Privacy > Log to Media Server and enable the setting
- Reproduce the issue you’re experiencing
- Turn off the logging
- Gather your Plex Media Server logs
Report the Issue
Once you’ve reproduced the issue and gathered the Plex Media Server logs, you can report it in our support forums. Post a description of the problem in the forums if you haven’t already. Be sure to attach the log file you gathered to your forum post.
Related Page: Plex Media Server Logs
Related Page: Plex Support Forums