Make a single, consolidated list of all the movies or shows you plan to watch, regardless of where they’re found. You can include content from your Plex Media Server, Plex’s own free Movies & Shows streaming, many other popular streaming services, or even content that’s not yet released!
When you browse into an item from the Watchlist, we’ll then tell you where it’s available, regardless of the source.
Related Page: Discover Source
Tagged Forum Topics: #watchlist
Add Content to Your Watchlist
It’s easy to add content to your Universal Watchlist from a number of places:
- Movies or TV shows in a Plex Media Server library (not individual seasons or episodes)
- Plex’s free Movies & Shows streaming content
- Content you find in the Discover source
- Via the player when watching trailers
From any of those sources:
- On Movie and TV show library or universal detail screens, you click on the Add to Watchlist button
- On mobile and TV grid views you can long press on a Movie or show poster to see the Add to Watchlist option
- In the web app click on the options menu on the bottom right of a trailer, show or movie poster/thumb
- From search results menu in the desktop/web app click the menu to the right of each result
- During trailer playback from the Discover source an Add to Watchlist button is located on near the playback controls
- If you select a non-Plex streaming service to watch a TV show from the universal details page, when you return to Plex it will ask you if you want to add that show to your Watchlist so you can quickly access the show in the future to watch more episodes. Plex can automatically remove shows and movies from the Watchlist if played within Plex Movies & Shows. Items watched on other services will need to be managed manually.
If an item is already on your Watchlist, the option will be displayed as Remove from Watchlist.
Note: For content from a Plex Media Server to appear, the library must use the Plex TV Series or Plex Movie metadata agents. The Watchlist is not supported for libraries using older or third-party agents.
Related : Advanced settings Plex Movie Agent
Related : Advanced Settings Plex TV Series Agent
View Content From Your Watchlist
Watchlist Source
All items you’ve added to your Watchlist can be found on the Watchlist source which can be pinned to your sidebar on the home screen. If not pinned it can be found in More in the sidebar under the Plex section. The Watchlist source will have two tabs, Recommended and Watchlist. These tabs will follow the “Remember selected tab” option in the individual app you are using, so you can return to the last tab you used when in the source
- Recommended: Sorts your watchlist into various hubs like availability or how recently you added an item.
- Watchlist: A filterable grid of all things you have added to your watchlist. By default, they will be shown in the order that you added them, with the most recent first.
Available From Your Watchlist
Content from your Universal Watchlist that’s currently streamable will also be shown in an Available From Your Watchlist row, which will be in the Discover source and your home screen (if you pinned the Discover source).
When choosing an item from the watch list, you’ll be sent to the universal details page, where you’ll see everywhere that item is currently available. That includes your Plex Media Server, other Plex Media Servers to which you have access, your selected streaming services, and then other streaming services.
Unavailable Watchlist Content
If not yet available from any sources, the expected theatrical or service release date will be shown below the title. If currently only available in theaters but not any known streaming services, there will not be a release date shown.
Generate a RSS Feed For Your Watchlist
Tip!: The ability to generate a RSS Feed for a Watchlist requires an active Plex Pass subscription.
Using the web app or dedicated “desktop” app, Plex Pass subscribers can go to the Watchlist section of the app settings, where they have an option to generate a URL to an RSS feed for their Watchlist and their friends’ watchlist (friends’ privacy rules apply and will not display friends identity). You could then add it to your blog or share your RSS feed with friends and they could see whats on your watchlist via their favorite RSS client.
Related Page: Web App: Watchlist Settings
App Support for Watchlist
- Amazon Fire TV *
- Apple TV
- Android mobile
- Android TV
- iOS
- Linux (desktop)
- macOS (desktop)
- PlayStation *
- Plex Web App
- Plex HTPC *
- Roku *
- Smart TV supported models *
- Windows (desktop)
- Xbox *
- Personal server libraries must use the Plex Movie or Plex TV Series agents
* These platforms cannot directly open the apps for other streaming services from within the Plex app and will instead search for the other service app.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did something I played from a Plex Media Server or other streaming service not get removed from the Watchlist?
For the Watchlist to be able to know that you completed an item when streaming from a Plex Media Server, you need to enable the ability for watch state data to be synced for your account. If that feature is not enabled, you would need to manually remove the item from your watchlist after streaming it from a Plex Media Server.
Related Page: Sync Watch State and Ratings
How does the Watchlist know an item is available on a personal Plex Media Server?
We take privacy seriously at Plex. To be absolutely clear up front, personal servers are not sending lists of library content to Plex. We don’t know what’s on your server.
Instead, when you visit a page that checks service/server availability of a title, the Plex app asks the Plex Media Servers you have access to (owned by you or to which you have access) whether there are any items matching what you’re viewing. If there is a match on that server, then it can appear as an available source on that page.
Something that I recorded via DVR that I previously added to watchlist is not showing as available?
DVR content initially keeps it metadata ID from EPG which will not always match the Plex Metadata. To have that content recorded via DVR recognized it will need to be matched with the modern metadata agents Plex Movie or Plex TV Series