The main Plex Media Server data directory location will vary based on your operating system. Below are the default locations.
Related Page: Backing Up Plex Media Server Data
On Windows, the content is located inside of the user directory.
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server
Using the Finder’s “Go” menu, select Go To Folder… then enter the following in the dialog box that pops up:
~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/
Linux and Other Devices
In general, the location for the various Linux versions of Plex Media Server will be found under:
$PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/
Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu
/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/
The location for the data directory for Plex Media Server when running Docker will depend on what you specified when setting up the Docker container. See our normal Docker container documentation on GitHub.
Related Page: GitHub: Plex Media Server on Docker
/usr/local/plexdata/Plex Media Server/
FreeNAS 11.3 or newer
${JAIL_ROOT}/Plex Media Server/
FreeNAS 11.2 or earlier
${JAIL_ROOT}/var/db/plexdata/Plex Media Server/
In a default installation, you will not be able to access the Plex Media Server data directory when running on NVIDIA SHIELD. In order for you to have access, you need to choose to move the storage location for the server. Specifically, when moving the data, you must choose either Internal Storage (user accessible storage location)
or a removable drive that you’ve connected to the SHIELD.
Use a standard method to connect to the NVIDIA SHIELD to access the storage, such as that outlined in our “Accessing SHIELD Storage” article. The path to the server data will vary, depending on whether you chose to move to the user-accessible internal storage or to a removable drive that you connected to the device.
- “Internal Storage” path:
/Internal/Android/data/com.plexapp.mediaserver.smb/Plex Media Server/
- “Removable” storage path (where
[removable drive name]
is the name of the removable drive, such as “Media
“):/[removable drive name]/Android/data/com.plexapp.mediaserver.smb/Plex Media Server/
Related Page: Moving server data storage location on NVIDIA SHIELD
Related Page: Accessing SHIELD Storage
The exact data directory location can vary from system to system. To access it, connect to the Console of QNAP via SSH and then enter:
getcfg -f /etc/config/qpkg.conf PlexMediaServer Install_path
From the result given to you, then add /Library/Plex Media Server to the end of it. You might end up with a path like the following (this is just an example!):
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/PlexMediaServer/Library/Plex Media Server
Related Page: Forums: QNAP FAQ
/apps/plexmediaserver/MediaLibrary/Plex Media Server/
The exact install location can vary from system to system. To access it, first enter the appropriate rainbow container, from the command line:
sudo rainbow —enter com.plex.plexmediaserver
Once in, you can go to the data directory:
/data/plex_conf/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server
/var/snap/plexmediaserver/common/Library/Application Support
/volume1/PlexMediaServer/AppData/Plex Media Server
/volume1/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/
/home/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server
/raid/data/module/Plex/sys/Plex Media Server/
Western Digital
/mnt/HD/HD_a2/plex_conf/Plex Media Server/
Western Digital My Passport Wireless Pro:
/shares/Storage/.wdcache/.plexmediaserver/Application Support/Plex Media Server/